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When loyalty becomes a weapon

She stayed loyal because she believed this time it's for real... that he'd finally be the caring person she wanted and needed....... and well, deserved ......and that they two can move forward as if all this, this storm, this icing out,  was just a temporary setback. He created a mess in her head and worse, in their children He did it proudly, without fear of harming them    because he knew she was loyal. he assumed...he took for granted this gift. These lives he thought he'd always have to ruin and control.... Even as he stepped on their self confidence and twisted their self worth He set a fire and watched it burn Playing innocent victim, himself  thinking they'd always be his supply not knowing she'd gather the strength to break free Through prayer. He thought her vows would keep her loyal to his indifference... his offenses.... allowing him to be puppet master always. He was wrong. She found, to no one's surprise but his, t...

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